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CGIE: A meeting of Iranian scholars and historians of the Mughal era was held at the Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia

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CGIE: Hassan Nazem, the Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities of Iraq, together with his deputies and managers, attended the Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia (Centre for Iranian and Islamic Studies) on the 12th of June, 2022 and met Kazem Musavi Bojnurdi, the head of the CGIE.

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Ahmad Masjed-Jameʻi said at the book launch of “Behesht-e Baqiʻ”: We should not limit Baqiʻ to a Shiite concept; we can have an Islamic approach toward it. Even we can go beyond the Islamic perspective and make it a human heritage; since it is accepted in the international community.

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the commemoration ceremony of Youssef Madjidzadeh, the prominent professor of archeology of Iran, and the book launch ceremony of “Sepehr Majd; Essays on the Archeology of the Iranian World and Beyond (In Honor of Dr. Youssef Madjidzadeh)”, which was published in March 2022 by the Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia (Centre for Iranian and Islamic Studies), took place in the National Museum of Iran on Monday evening, the 30th of May, 2022.

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