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The Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia published ‘Artha-shāstra, an Ancient Indian Seyāsat-nāmeh (Political Treatise) - a Thematic and Linguistic Analysis – with the Persian translation of Artha-shāstra’s Book One and a brief glossary’, translated from Sanskrit to Persian by Nāzanīn Khalīlī-pūr.

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The Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia published Sharḥ-e Tārīkh-e Yamīnī (Al-Yumnī fi Sharḥ al-Yamīnī), researched, revised and prefaced by ʿĀtifah Zandī.

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The evening ceremony marking the publication of ‘Encyclopedia of Iranian Culture’ was held on Monday evening, 9th of October, at the Ferdowsi Hall of Khānay-e Andīshmandān-e ʿEulum Insānī (the Humanities Scholars House) in Tehran – Iran by Bukhara Magazine in cooperation with the Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia.

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The conference proceedings of the fifth international conference on the Iranian languages and dialects (the past and the present) was published by the CGIE Press (the Center for Research on Iran and Islam) with the assistance and perseverance of Maḥmūd Jaʿfarī Dihaqī.

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